Get in Shape for Your Wedding Day

Updated: 10 April 2016

Every bride dreams of the day they will get to walk down the aisle with their favorite music playing, the love of their life waiting at the altar, both parents at the sides and finally wearing their dream wedding dress. A few weeks or months prior to the wedding, brides are not in the party mood. Rushing from one store to another and from one wedding planner to another completes majority of their day.

The one thing every bride wants to ensure goes well apart from the wedding is the ability to fit in the wedding dress. Below are tips to help get in shape for your wedding day.

Set realistic goals

The first thing you need to ask yourself is why are you exercising? Are you doing to lose body weight in order to fit in your dress or do you have a long term goal in mind or its just for sport? Setting realistic goals before you begin training can help accomplish what you want.

Begin training early

To ensure that are able to fit in your dress even after eating many samples of cakes and other delicacies during your planning, you need to start training early. Experts recommend that one should start training ten to twelve weeks before the wedding day. This helps to relieve stress associated with planning a wedding as well as burning of the many calories consumed.

Hire a personal trainer

Between work and planning a wedding, you have little time to pop in a gym to train. In order to stay in shape until your wedding day, you need to hire a personal trainer. The best news is that you don’t have to hire trainers who are expensive, you can have one of your friends recommend the best trainer for you.

Create a healthy meal plan

During the planning of your wedding, you will get to meet many caterers and bakers who will offer you samples of food they have prepared. Apart from this, you will be utilizing a lot of energy moving from one place to another. Your meals will consist of fast food which will contribute to weight gain. To avoid this, you need to come up with a healthy diet plan. You can pack healthy meals consisting of fruits and vegetables which can be consumed while on the road. This will not only ensure that your body gets the much needed nourishment but you will achieve your weight loss goal in the end.

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Utilise the buddy system

Majority of people set a resolution of exercising in order to lose weight as well as become fit. While there are some people who will see the resolution through the end, others get discouraged early in the journey. To prevent this when you are working out, it’s best to utilize the buddy system. This means that you need to get a friend or family member who will be by your side as you exercise.